Posts Tagged ‘holy’

My Soul Cries Out!


So last night I did an experiment on Facebook (first I got approval from a trusted friend).  I knew this would be edgy borderline crazy for some people but I had to do it.  I had to know how people would respond, particularly those in the Body of Christ.  So I posted a confession of sorts, it read like this:  “#Confessions I’ve been living a lie. I sleep with numerous men because I like sex. I’ve grown up thinking this was wrong and being told this was wrong but it’s what I enjoy. I love God and I believe that He wants me to be happy. I don’t understand why I can’t love God and have sex freely. After all He gave me these desires. #Justwanttobefree.”

Now as you can imagine I’ve received all types of comments, text messages, phone calls and even likes on my status.  I further pushed the envelope and left this comment: “I feel it’s okay to have sex and not be married and love God. I’m not looking for change. I like being me!”  As of this moment I have two likes for that stat.  I guess you’re wondering why in the heck would I post this stuff on Facebook, of all places?  I did this because it’s NOT true! 

Let me explain.   I read a lot of post on FB and when people aren’t giving God all the praise I’m reading what they are saying.  People are openly and comfortably living lives in TOTAL contradiction to the Word of God.  I often ask myself how do people shout out how great God is in one breath and drunkenness, sex and other ungodliness in the next?  I was puzzled until last night.  While reading a post, I had a revelation.  The reason people could so easily do this was because there was no correction or conviction.  Not even from their “friends” in the Body of Christ (me included).  How often had I read a post from a “Christian”  that was in contradiction to who they said they represented and never said a word to them?  In the book of Titus Paul teaches us the ways of the elders and spells out the qualities of sound doctrine.  Then in 2:15 he says “Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority.  Let no one despise you.”  The Message reads: “Tell them all this.  Build up their courage and discipline them if they get out of line.  You’re in charge.  Don’t let anyone put you down.”  So essentially Paul is saying, after you tell them how to live and the expectations God has of them, if they stray from that, forget that or do opposite of that, you are to correct that! 

There were a range of responses I received in from my experiment.  I was told congrats on my honesty, be who I am, God still loves me, it’s ok because I’m not the only one. SSSSTTTOOOOPPPPP!  STOP right there “friends” I do not desire that any of you should perish like Jesus said so why are throwing me in the pot? 

We as the Body of Christ have become so tolerant of sin that we are no more disturbed by the sin in others than they are in themselves.  Jesus says in Matthew 12:31, “ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.”  If sin of any kind is not profitable for me whom I love, how could it be profitable for my neighbor whom I should love as myself?   And if I don’t find it profitable for my neighbor, why would I not correct him? 

Is it because we don’t want to offend them or hurt their feelings?  What about their offense to God?  Are you not offended that they offended your daddy and hurt his feelings?  Did you not consider that God may also be offended by your inability to speak up and out for Him?  In your silence, how different are you than Peter when He denied Jesus three times.  He merely tried to blend in with the crowd and watch what was happening to Jesus from afar off.  People just kept putting him on the spot. If you rewind to the earlier parts of the Gospel, Peter was Jesus right hand man.  At least he was when he was talking to his other friends that followed Christ.  The moment he was the only believer in sight he no longer saw Jesus up close, his perspective was from afar off!  selah

Or maybe that’s not you instead, because you can identify with the sin you refrain from commenting for fear of being seen for who you truly are, a hypocrite!  Understand if this is your truth then it is not judgment it’s  just truth.  If you say one thing and do another you are a hypocrite, Webster said that not me.  (Titus 2:15 moment again).  Let us stop using fear of judgment as an excuse to not correct.   Instead of being fearful that you will be exposed, stop doing the sin that brings you shame. That way when it is necessary for you to speak out you can guilt free.

 God has given us the power over sin yet we give over our power to sin daily. Romans 12:2  “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  As the chapter and book for that matter go on it is clearly outlining how we should live as Christians.  Will you make mistakes? Maybe.  Do you have to? No!  No you don’t.  Now I know if I haven’t lost you already it is here where you want to stop reading.  So let me explain or as my pastor says “stay with me, I’m going somewhere.” 

We have so conditioned our thinking to accept that we are human and we are flesh so mistakes are inevitable.  But God says in His word that His expectations for us are to be holy as He is holy.  If that be the case His holiness is not founded in mistakes.  Maybe the reason we can’t achieve holiness isn’t because it is impossible but because we don’t believe in the possibilities. Now I’m not saying I don’t make mistakes.  What I am saying is that my making mistakes are a direct reflection of my unbelief in the possibilities of holiness and righteous living in me.  It speaks to my beliefs in my limitations.  Where God has no limits neither should I, if I was made in His image and His likeness.  Which Genesis clearly tells me in the 1st chapter 26 verse.

With that being said, God is looking for BOLD followers.  The times we are living in call for a Paul kind of Christian.  One who will not justify their wrongs in order to stay in the sin that they are in.  One who will not be silenced for “acceptance.” One who will not continue to love Jesus in private only. One who will not allow his brothers and sisters to walk themselves right out of the arms of God.  One who will not have multiple FB pages for their multiple personalities.  One who will not compromise righteous living for what feels good.  One who will not say it’s okay because God loves you rather  because you say you love God sin of ANY kind is not okay!

It was not okay for me to say I’m having sex and I’m good with that and don’t want to change.  If I love God the bible says the evidence of our love is that we follow His commandments 1John 5:3.  I would like us to stop excusing sin.  If you believe in the power of God than you believe that He can deliver you from all sin if you let Him.  Our problem is we aren’t quite ready to let go of that sin yet.  Now that right there is HONESTY!!  Confessing my sins to man doesn’t make me great, allowing God to change my sinful ways proves He’s great!

So family I didn’t bring this to condemn you but to challenge your thinking. My desire is that none of us become comfortable in our sin to the point it only looks like sin when someone else says something.