#So Bored

Posted: January 7, 2012 in Relationships
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I so often here people say this in relation to their marriage or relationships. I often hear it as an excuse to cheat on their spouse or significant other. Really, you are bored? Being with the same person all the time can get monotonous I guess, if you let it. But what have you done to spice it up? Have you really tried everything? Maybe you are the boring one. Maybe it’s your ownlife that bores you, separate of your spouse or significant other.

We so easily look for ways out. A reason to justify cheating or leaving because it’s easier than addressing the real issues. I mean why put energy into fixing things with the one I say I love and am committed to? Who does that? Especially when there are so many other options like, cheating, leaving, etc.

We have become some of the laziest people when it comes to relationships. Society has us so brainwashed. We think if we can’t get instant results than it’s not worth it. We believe if we don’t like it, after a period of time than we can toss it, even if we signed binding papers. And to think I’m still talking about the Body of Christ!

Let’s give up the ghost. Relationships are like jobs, everyday you have to work but if you don’t want to work you have the option of not having to get job in the first place. Stop messing up other peoples lives with your lazy, selfish, inconsiderate self! No one really likes to work but it is a necessity of life especially in a relationship. Even the one you have with God requires you do some work! #tomakeitworkyougottawork

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